+33 (0)3 88 97 86 02 info@valiske.com|:

Programme 2024


Welcome to Valiske

Since 2003, Valiske organises thematic trips around the Jewish history, cultures and communities existing around the world. Based in France, near the German border and not far from Swiss, we adopted the name of a symbolic object and one of the few Yiddish words that can be translated to French and other languages from eastern Europe. Valiske (suitcase) is a travelling object, a travelling word that goes form Italian to French, from Yiddish to Ukrainian, then to Polish, a word that resonates in Moldavian, in Romanian, in Esperanto, in Catalan, in Argentinian…

For 14 years now, our suitcases have travelled the world, from central Europe to ex-soviet countries, from Argentine to the shteytlekh of baron Maurice de Hirsch, from New York’s hassides to the Jewish Ceylan, and the Portugal of Marranos, and the Juderias of Andalusia, and the Italian Piémont and its baroque synagogues, the Louisiana of the Jewish merchants, and the Sephardi Turkey, and the Jewish Alsace…

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